Our Community Is Our Backbone

Tinnitus Hub is very strong on community; you’ll hear us talking about it a lot.  The whole site is being designed to serve the community, built around what those of us with tinnitus need to know.

As we develop we are relying on you to keep us heading in the right direction.  We want to know what you find useful, if you see something that you think needs to be updated, any helpful things you’ve found.  Everything really. We exist from the need to create something for the community.  We felt there was such a huge gap in the services for patients, to help you understand exactly what you are going through and what you can do about it.

Please give us feedback, either on here or through the forum at Tinnitus Talk.  It’s so valuable to us that we give you the best site possible, we need to know what you want and what you find useful.  There will be a post with the key parts of the site soon, you can see exactly what we have planned and let us know if we can improve anywhere

A shout out to the team

We want to pay tribute to a very important group of people.

Without the moderators (currently Erik, Hudson and Jazz) the forum would not be what it is today.  They help the site to run smoothly and watch over things for all of us. If you have a problem, a question or just an observation, they’re always there to give you some advice and lend an ear.

We’re truly thankful to them for giving their time freely in the pursuit of helping others.

Just as important, there are our regulars and the regulars of the future.  These pillars of the community make it possible for newbies to enjoy a safe and supportive atmosphere, being on hand to let them know that they are not alone, that they came before them and have learned how to cope, that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

We have too many awesome members to thank here individually, but we love you all and thank you for your endless generosity.

As we metamorphose into Tinnitus Hub, each and every one of you continues to make a huge difference.  With your opinion and guidance we know that we can develop a unique and special place.

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